Become Your Own Beauty Expert – Part 4

Become Your Own Beauty Expert – Part 4

This post is 4 in a 5-part series. Missed the rest? Start at the beginning with part 1.

Why are most makeup consultation a waste of time? Here’s why:

What’s wrong with the picture above? Have you ever been shown how to apply makeup in a makeup consultation or lesson?  Usually in a department store, MAC counter, chemist, makeup party or boutique?

If so, how confident are you at applying your makeup now?  If your answer is ‘not very’, you could still be confused because of the problems with most makeup ‘consultations’.

In most makeup consultations:

• The salesperson applies your makeup for you, so it’s more an ‘application’ than a lesson

You don’t have notes to refer to afterwards so you forget most of what they say and do…

• The solutions are limited, often to one overpriced brand

The lighting is unflattering and unrealistic (fluorescent lights)

It’s usually in public, with people walking past…

Plus you might experience a ‘hard-sell’ (they are salespeople after all) where you feel pressured into buying the products used, but you’re still not equipped with the WHY behind what works for you or the experience to be able to replicate the look again yourself – even if you buy the products.

If you paid for a ‘lesson’ like this you could feel ripped off if your goal was to learn how to apply makeup that suits you.

And if it were a free consultation, it’s still a waste of time and energy if the advice you receive is based on product sales and not your true needs, budget, lifestyle etc.

Q: How can I avoid a disappointing makeup consultation?

A: Check ‘behind the scenes’ of the person or brand offering the lesson and ask yourself these questions:

Are they a representative of one particular brand, e.g. Lancome salesperson?  Do they exclusively use one beauty brand, eg. MAC makeup artists?  Do they earn an income solely when they sell products, eg. Direct sales makeup party?  You’ll find the answers by looking at their name-tag (in store) or on their website, brochure etc.

So what does an effective makeup consultation look like? When you book a Lillybeth makeup lesson or ‘beautiful education’ you will:

• Have the brushes in your own hands

• Receive follow-up notes, tools and before/after photos

• Use products and receive recommendations from the various brands in my kit

• Enjoy natural lighting where you can see colours properly

• Be in the comfort and privacy of your own home or location

Pay for the consultation (Yes, this is a plus! It eliminates the need for you to feel obligated to buy, or me to pressure to you purchase!)

For the last 10 years I’ve been giving women of all ages ‘a beautiful education’. A ‘real’ makeup consultation offer so many beautiful, energy and time-saving benefits. When a lesson is done right you’ll:

Make better use of the makeup you already have, save money, feel more confident in applying your makeup, look and feel more beautiful, youthful and vibrant when you step away from the mirror, enjoy a more polished appearance for business, parties and events, hold your head up high when walking through beauty departments secure in your experience, be able to resist advertising campaigns for the latest look or gimmick and so much more! This is why my Full Makeup Consultations are truly ‘a beautiful education’ for so many women.

The second essential to becoming your own beauty expert is to discover what suits you in makeup colour and application technique.  And here we’ve seen how a session with a colour consultant and ‘real’ makeup lesson are the keys.

Part 5: Now you know the steps to take to really discover what suits you. The next step in this journey is to wear it your way! How can you wear your best colours and techniques in a way that reflects the true you – your personality and inner character?  Read Part Five!

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